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Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Breeding oscars

                                   Breeding Oscars

Breeding Oscars  can be done is the favorable conditions are provided
buying a breeding pair can be too expensive 
therefore it is recommended to buy 6-7 young Oscars and raise them 
hopefully at least one pair will be formed 
once the pair is formed remove other Oscars as the pair can hurt them as they are too violent
they will do well in both soft or acidic water 
provide the tank with a strong filtration 
change 25% of the water every week
fed Oscars with meaty food like worms, shrimps, small fish, etc
pellet food is not advice able
the pair will dig a pit of use a hard substrate to lay their eggs in tremendous amount 
they will guard the eggs and frys and will be extremely protective
when the eggs hatch feed them with newly hatched brine shrimps
if kept on a healthy protien rich diet the fry will be around 2.0 inch in three months



Breeding gouramis



gouramis are comparatively easy to breed fish and known to build a beautiful bubble nest in which the female lays her eggs 

you will need a separate breeding tank {10-20 gallons}
provide a layer of gravel and do not install any filters that produces strong water currents if the type of gourami you are breeding builds a bubble nest 
and also provide some plants or clay pots for the female to hide as she may be a prey for the male.
place female gourami in the tanks first as male Gourami will always claim a territory and fiercely defend it 
 feed the female gourami blood worms and other meaty food so that she gets gravid
and then introduce male in the aquarium 
The water temperature should be 25-28 degree Celsius and the pH should be 6.6-7.6

after this the female will start building her bubble nest
then the female and male gourami  will start dancing 
the male will cups his body and wiggle close to her
and then the female will release the eggs and the male will fertilize them.
the eggs will be safely placed in the bubble nest
this process will be repeated several times and there would be around 500 eggs in the nest
carefully remove the pair from the tank 
and turn off the filter 
cover the breeding tanks 
after 24 hrs the eggs will hatch and the frys will be free swimming after 3-4 days
feed them with newly hatched brine shrimps and worms 

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Breeding tiger barb

                               BREEDING TIGER BARB


SIZE:  up to 1.5inch
IDEAL TEMP: THE temperature in the breeding tank should be around 80 degrees 

breeding tiger barbs is easy and can be done by beginners
step 1: separate  male and female fish and keep them in different tanks
step 2: feed them rich protein diet like blood worms  or tubiflex worms to trigger spawning {feed them 2-3 times a day till 2 weeks }
step3: After two weeks put them together in a breeding tank which is occupied with a sponge filter and 2-3 layers of marbles or stones to protect eggs.
female fish will lay eggs and the male will follow her and fertilize the eggs with his sperm
after the spawning is completed immediately remove both the parents from the tank
as they are known to eat their own eggs.
after 3 days the egg will hatch and you can see the frys on the sides of the tank after next 36hour they will be free swimming.
step4: feed the frys with brine shrimp or worms 
step5: do a 10-20% water change every day carefully
to keep the water quality at the best 
after 3 months they will be ready to be sold.

                                  I hope this might have helped you 

                                 for another info. please comment

                                        thanks for reading :[